Born into a unique world where villages fight to gain power and control, the main character, Shi Hao, is a genius blessed by the heavens born under the poorest of...
Lingwu Continent is a world where spiritual power and martial spirit coexist. A spiritual cultivator can move mountains and rivers with a thought, and a martial artist can tear the...
The story follows the aloof supreme lord of the myriad realms. He handpicks young girls, each with the potential to ascend as future deities, and embarks on a treacherous quest...
Luo Yun, an orphan boy, has a mysterious background. When he became an adult, he was accidentally pulled into the "East China Sea Dragon Palace Chat Group". After exchanging cultivation...
In his previous life, the protagonist Su Yi was the respected XuanJun Sword Master in Dahuang. In order to pursue supreme swordsmanship, he chose to reincarnate and retrain. After reincarnation,...
In the ancient medicine continent, there are thousands of races, and the alchemist is revered. The Yin and Yang Alchemy God Su Beihuang spent all his efforts to refine the...
After a magnetic storm strikes the Blue Star Continent, spiritual energy is revived, transforming both humans and animals. This triggers a battle for survival between spirit beasts and humans. Ling...
The World of Immortals, it is the world every mortals long for. For many, it is an eternal glory to distort the dimension and enter the World of Immortals. But...
After three years of not seeing each other, Xiao Yan finally met Xun’er at Jia Nan Academy. After that, they became closer and established the Stone Gate (Pan Gate). In...
Six thousand years ago, mankind's glorious reign ended as a result of an invasion of the demon race, brought about by the emergence of 72 demon gods. To safeguard the...